Finding files and folders when exporting

Modified on Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 11:45 AM

I can't find my computer's files or folders through Design Manager when exporting documents or loading images

When exporting files, you will need to expand the choices under Computer and Local Disks

On a Mac, Local Disk H:\Desktop is the path to your desktop

On a Windows PC, Local Disk C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop is the path for your desktop

You could also choose Documents, Pictures or any other subfolder.

Its highly recommended to bookmark your favorite folders to streamline exporting documents and not need to browse the file tree each time.  After selecting your favorite folder, double click to navigate to it, then drag the folder from the top address bar onto the Favorites star

On future file exports, you can expand the Favorites star to access your bookmarked links.

Click here to read How to export a document.