Trouble shooting non-delivery reports or problems sending an email from Design Manager Cloud

Modified on Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 3:04 PM

When sending an e-mail from Design Manager Cloud and sometime later you get a message similar to the following:

Subject: Undeliverable: invoice #12345 from <dm user name>
To: <dm user email address>

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

The server has tried to deliver this message, without success, and has stopped trying. Please try sending this message again. If the problem continues, contact your helpdesk.

E-mail is sent from Design Manager Cloud (online) on your behalf from one of the Design Manager E-mail Servers.  If the person you are sending to only allows e-mails from certain addresses, servers, or domains, make sure that they add your email address/domain to their list along with the following domains and servers:

Also, make your e-mail message meaningful.  Since you’re most likely sending a small PDF file of an invoice, make sure that your subject is complex and you send a complete message so that your mail is not considered SPAM by the recipient. For example, avoid Subjects like: “Here you go” with no message in the body; as this looks like it might be SPAM. Instead, type “Invoice from ABC Interiors” and always include a message in the body of the email, “ABC Interiors thanks you for your business.  Should you have any questions about this invoice please contact…”

You can also ask your client to add your e-mail address to their SPAM White List so your e-mails are never blocked.