How to change a Component type

Modified on Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 12:32 PM

In DM you have 6 component types. Merchandise, freight, design fee, etc...

If you do not use one of these, or need a specific component type, you can change one of the types.

Note: Merchandise and Time are not changeable, the other 4 are.

  1. Go to the Company information window. Go to File -company info/settings - advanced - general tab.  Under the Screen Title type the Name to what you wish it to be. Example: Change "Design Fee" to say "Fabric". Doing so will change the default Screen Title for all Future Projects and Existing Projects. However, the Titles printed on the Proposals, PO's and Invoices will not be automatically changed.

    *** NOTE: See #10 below on how to change this.

  2. Click OK on the general tab to get back to the Main Company Info window. Click on the Sales Accts.Tab. You will see "Fabric" on the left hand side - you need to change the Revenue account for that the new component type. If you do not already have a Revenue account setup for "Fabric" you should create one now.

  3. Click into the Account # field and use the magnifying glass (binoculars) to see the accounts you already have listed. Click the Add button to create a new one.
  4. Type in an account # not already being used - typically it will start with a #4. Example Account No: 49600 Name: Fabric. The account type should be set to Revenue.

  5. Click OK on the Account Window. Then Choose. Now the account # will be set to the new account you just created.

  6. Now we need to do the same for the COGS Account. Click on COGS Accts. Tab. Click into the Fabric Account Field and choose the magnifying glass to see the list of accounts. Create a new one for the COGS account. It typically begins with a #5 and should mimic the revenue account, except the 5 replaces the 4. Example Account No: 59600 Name: Fabric. The account type should be set to Cost of Goods (COGS).

  7. Click OK on the Account Window. Then Choose. Now the account # will be set to the new account you just created. Click OK to finish this step.
  8. Now, we need to make changes to any Sales Categories that were linked to the other account. We suggest that you print out the Glossary Listings - Sales Category report. This will list each Sales Category and the account that each type is linked to. Review the report to see if any Sales Categories have the incorrect account linked to it. Then you will need to Edit each of these to fix them.

  9. To do so, go to Glossaries - Sales Categories. Highlight the Code that needs to be changed and click on Edit. Make the necessary changes to the accounts for any incorrect component type.

  10. How to change current Printing title settings on Proposals, PO's, and Invoices: Go back to your Company settings - Go to File -company info/settings - advanced. 

From here go to each of the Proposal, Invoice and PO/WO tabs. Type in the Title you wish to see the new component be called when printed (if List or Total Style is chosen) on each of these documents.


*** NOTE: Doing the above (in the Company Settings) will ONLY change the system for FUTURE projects - any project that has already been created in the program will not automatically have the title changed***.

You must edit each project - Go to your list of Projects. Highlight a Project - click on Edit - Defaults tab - advanced - Each of the Proposal, PO and Invoice tabs need to have their titles changed manually here as well. Repeat this step for each Current Project you will be using this new Component Type for.