Troubleshooting blurry fonts with MacOS Mojave and Citrix Workspace

Modified on Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 11:39 AM

After updating a Mac to OS Mojave 10.14 and installing Citrix Workspace, some users with Retina 4k displays can experience an issue with font rendering.

Characters in Design Manager can appear fuzzy or light gray.

The first adjustment is to go to Utilities and open Terminal, and type the following command and hit enter:

defaults write com.citrix.receiver.nomas PreferMetalRendering -bool NO

Launch the DM application again and the fonts should appear more solid.

If the font size still appears too small, making an overall adjustment to the system resolution can increase readability.  MacOS Mojave gives some new controls on resolution scaling:

Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Displays then click Display.

Change the Resolution setting to Scaled, then adjust the selection to the left for Larger Text.  This will make all icons, text and display objects scale to a slightly different resolution on the screen.

You may need to exit Citrix or reboot the system to have the resolution changes fully apply.

The font style should now appear more readable when using DM Cloud.