Add remarks or conditions to your Proposals, Invoice or Purchase Orders

Modified on Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:13 PM

You can add wording/remarks that will print at the very bottom of each of your documents.  There is a company-wide default, as well as the ability to set specific remarks per project and per document inside that project. Setting the Company-wide default remarks will only affect FUTURE Projects.  Setting the Project default remarks will only affect FUTURE proposals/invoices within that Project.

Separate remarks can be added to Proposals and Invoices in the Standard and Professional versions.  In the Professional version you can also add conditions to your Purchase Orders (these are company-wide only, not project or PO specific).

Company-wide Setting:


1.   Go to File - Company Settings. 

2.   Choose Advanced

3.   Go to the Proposal tab

4.   At the bottom there is an area for remarks.

5.   Type in your preferred remark, or use the search button to add new ones to save.


1.   Go to File - Company Settings. 

2.   Choose Advanced

3.   Go to the Invoice tab

4.   At the bottom there is an area for remarks.

5.   Type in your preferred remark, or use the search button to add new ones to save.

Project specific:  Change a Project to have separate remarks from the Company-wide remarks. Remarks for Proposals and Invoices can be changed, Purchase Orders do not have remarks in the DMCloud (Standard) program.


1.   Go to Projects (Projects and Specifications- DMCloud).

2.   Highlight the Project you wish to change the remarks for.

3.   Choose Edit.

4.   Click on the Defaults tab.

5.   Choose the Advanced/Mark-up button.

6.   Click on the Proposal or Invoice tab (depending on which you wish to change).

7.   At the bottom there is an area for remarks.

8.   Type in your preferred remark, or use the search button to choose one or add a new one to save.

9.   Choose OK.

Proposal/Invoice specific: Change a specific Proposal or Invoice to have separate remarks from the Company-wide and/or Project remarks. Remarks for Proposals and Invoices can be changed individually.


1.   Go to Proposals (Documents and Accounting for DMCloud)

2.   Highlight the Proposal you wish to change the Remarks for.

3.   Choose Edit.

4.   On the Edit Proposal window click on the Remarks/Options tab.

5.   There is an area for remarks.

6.   Type in your preferred remark, or use the search button to choose one or add a new one to save.

7.   Choose OK.


1.   Go to Invoice - Existing tab (Documents and Accounting for DMCloud)

2.   Highlight the Invoice you wish to change the Remarks for.

3.   Choose the Update (Adjust in DMCloud) button.

4.   On the Invoice Adjustment window click in the Update Remarks (Update Invoice Information) check box.

5.   Check off the Update remarks box.

6.   Type in your preferred remark, or use the search button to choose one or add a new one to save.

7.   Choose OK. Then reprint the Invoice.

Purchase Orders - Professional Version ONLY (this is a company-wide option ONLY)

1.   Go to File - Company Information. 

2.   Choose the PO/WO tab

3.   At the top is an area for Conditions.

4.   Type in your preferred condition/remark, or use the search button to choose one or add a new one to save.

5.   Choose OK.