Design Manager Approved Document Fonts

Modified on Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 5:56 PM

Here is the list of available fonts to use if you are interested in having customized Design Manager documents:

  1. Arial
  2. Calibri
  3. Cambria
  4. Candara
  5. Century Gothic
  6. Consolas
  7. Constantia
  8. Corbel
  9. Courier New
  10. Courier Regular
  11. Fixedsys Regular
  12. Franklin Gothic
  13. Gabriola Regular
  14. Georgia
  15. Lucida Console Regular
  16. Lucida Sans Unicode Regular
  17. Microsoft Sans Serif Regular
  18. Modern Regular
  19. MS Sans Serif Regular
  20. MS Serif Regular
  21. Palatino Linotype
  22. Roman Regular
  23. Segoe UI
  24. Small Fonts Regular
  25. System Bold
  26. Tahoma
  27. Terminal
  28. Times New Roman
  29. Verdana

Here is an attached picture that shows the fonts.