Using the Product Clipper

Modified on Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 9:17 AM

When using the Product Clipper, you can clip as much or as little detail as you wish to save about your item; not all fields are required. ONLY an Item Name OR Description is required to save the entry. Once you have entered your details, click on the Save Item button at the bottom of the Product Clipper to save. The saved entry will now show on your Pro Cloud Whiteboard.

Clipping an Image: The Product Clipper will show the DM icon over images that can be clipped.  Hover over the image on the website and select the icon to clip that image. Once clipped, the image will appear in the top picture area of the clipper.  To change the image, click the DM icon on any other image. To delete an image completely, select the trash can icon inside the image field of the clipper.

Clipping an Image with the Clipping Tool on: An image can also be clipped by clicking on the + in the empty image area.  This will turn the Clipping feature on.  Click on any image and choose the Save Image option.

Clipping Specification Details: There are two ways to select Item details.

  • Manually: You can manually click and select the text (using your mouse) on the site that you wish to clip the details of, then right click and select the field of the Product Clipper to include the selected text in.  

  • Using the Clipping Selector Tool: Turn the Clipping Tool feature on to be able to hover over any text and select the field to clip the text into. 

When the clipping tool is on, you can mouse around the website to find the text that you wish to add to a clipper field. The text will highlight in green. 

Click to select that text and choose the field to clip it into.

NOTE: The Item Name and SKU fields will only allow up to 45 characters.  All additional characters selected will be ignored.


The Vendor field connects to your Pro Cloud Vendor Glossary.  Click into the field and begin to type your Vendor's name to see matching Vendors.  Click to select the proper one. *A vendor MUST be in your Pro Cloud Vendor Glossary in order to be included with your item details.  If you have not created the Vendor in Design Manager already, leave this field blank (it is not required and can be added later). You can add the new Vendor inside Pro Cloud and then select it for this item on the Whiteboard.

Including Additional Information: The Additional fields section allows you to select a Location, Sales Category and clip or enter a Component Description.

The Project, Location and Sales Category fields are linked to your Pro Cloud glossaries. Click inside the field you wish to include detail for and begin to type into the field to see your available options.  The Location field will allow you to type a new Location if the Pro Cloud glossary does not include it already.  *If you have not created the Project in Design Manager already, leave this field blank (it is not required and can be added later).  You can add the new Project inside Pro Cloud and then select it for this item on the Whiteboard.

Saving your item:

Once you have collected all of the information needed from the website, select the Save Item button (at the bottom) to save the entry to your Whiteboard, where any additional information can be added.

The Product Clipper will verify the item was saved by showing the Item that has been saved.

Minimizing the Product Clipper: Use the up arrow to minimize your Product Clipper.

This will allow you to browse websites without the clipper pane being in the way. You will still be able to click on data from the website to clip into a field while the clipper is minimized. 

To re-maximize the Product Clipper, select the down arrow

Closing the Clipper and Logging Out: You can completely close the clipper by clicking on the DM icon in the chrome extension toolbar. This will keep the clipper logged in, but not show it on your browser.

To Log out, click on the Log out icon and choose Log out.

You can also right click on the DM icon in the chrome extension toolbar and choose Log Out. When you have logged out, you will be required to Log In to the clipper with your Pro Cloud username and password the next time you choose to use the clipper.