Add your company logo to your documents in Pro Cloud

Modified on Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 8:22 PM

Design Manager gives a user the ability to add their company logo and display the image on documents. 

For best logo file specifications and more information on where and on which documents the logo will print, see the Company Logo Best Practices article here..

***In order for the logo to appear on your documents, you must be sure that you do not have the Letterhead (Lttrhd.) option select under the Company Information Advanced Options Window - Print Tab as shown below. ***

To add your company logo:

1. Go to File --> Company Information & Settings.

2. On the Company Information Window, go to the Logo Tab.

3. Choose Load to browse through your computer and locate your logo file. Select the picture file to use.

4. Logo Includes Company Contact Information:  Select this option if the company logo has the company address, phone numbers, etc. embedded in the logo file. Pro Cloud cannot selectively display portions of the contact information (i.e., show the company website but not the company address) so be sure the logo file has all the necessary contact information before selecting this option. If all the desired information is not contained in the logo, it is suggested that the logo be edited to remove any contact information and to not select this option allowing Pro Cloud to display the contact information. The Logo Includes Company Contact Information also determines the size of the logo that will be displayed on the documents.  When selected, the logo will appear up to 3" x 3" or as large as the original dimensions of the file if it is smaller than 3" x 3".  The logo will be 1.5" x 1.5" when this option is not selected. When using the Modern suite of documents, the logo will print centered at 8" x 1.5" when Includes Company Contact Information is not selected and 8" x 3" when that option is chosen.

5. Once you have imported the logo file, choose OK on the Company Information Window to save. Now all of the specified documents will print with your logo included.