Getting Started with ClientConnect (DM & Pro Cloud - rev 530 and earlier ONLY)

Modified on Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 2:00 PM

Watch our Getting Started tutorial videos:

DMCloud Users 

ProCloud Users     (rev 530 and prior ONLY)


Getting Started with ClientConnect

After adding the ClientConnect Module – you will need to setup your new account.

Log into Design Manager and go to File – ClientConnect Website Settings.

 DMCloud                                                                 ProCloud


The following window will appear:

Hereyou will need to enter the Site Name given to you by Design Manager. 

*Besure to type the Site Name in EXACTLY as it is given to you. Choose OK.

This will take you to the ClientConnect Settings-General Tab where you can enter your Company Information and set up your defaults.

After the first setup of your ClientConnect account is completed we suggest you update it.

To Update, choose the Update button at the bottom right of the window.

(Otherusers MAY continue to access Design Manager during an Update; however, anyNON-accepted changes/information will not upload)

Once Updated the following window will appear.

Click OK to continue into Design Manager as normal.

To Update at anytime go back into File – ClientConnect Website Settings – General Tab and Choose Update when you are ready to update the Client website with new Documents and Information.

To setup a new Website user so that your client may access the site, click here.