Set up Desktop Icon for Design Manager Cloud and Other Cloud Apps on Windows 8

Modified on Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 2:41 PM

For Cloud Users with Windows 8 - Citrix Client Version 4.0 

(for other Windows or Mac users, click here):


After the Citrix Client Version 4.0 completes installing, you will see the following window:

Choose Add Account

NOTE: If you have already chosen Finish and now want an icon on the Desktop, you will need to open the Citrix Application. Find it in your notifications area (bottom right corner of your desktop, down by your clock)

Right click on the Citrix Receiver Icon and choose Open.

Type the following into the server address field:

Choose Next

You will see the following window:



You will then be prompted for your User Name and Password. 


To launch the program, you can click on the Application Icon here, or go to your Start window, the App will also be available there.