Splitting Payments on a POS Invoice

Modified on Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 1:48 PM

Occasionally a walk-in client may want to purchase items from a showroom and pay part with cash and part with a credit card. The easiest way to do this is to process two invoices one for some of the items and one for the rest of the items. If there is only one item or the items cannot be split up into reasonable amounts, then doing this will not work. There are 2 different ways to handle this: Process as an On Account POS, or use the POS Credit payment.


Processing the split pay POS sales as On Account:

  1. Create/Add a new Project under Project - Projects. Name it POS Sales (or something similar). Use or create a new Client for the same, or for your Company. You will keep and use this same Project for all POS sales with multiple/split payments types.

  2. Generate the new POS sale as normal. Choose On Account instead of Walk-In. Enter the POS Sales Project code you created in step 1.

  3. Choose Next and enter the Items for the sale as normal.

  4. At the Totals/Payment window, enter one of the Payment types, and the Amount Collected for that payment type only. The On Account field will show the remainder due.

  5. Print/Post the POS sale.

  6. Go to A/R - Client Invoices >Existing. You will see the invoice at the top with a balance due.

  7. Go to A/R >Cash Receipts and add a new cash receipt for the POS Project created in Step 1.

  8. Enter the amount of the second Payment type. Choose the second Payment Type and Tag the Invoice to enter the Payment against. Then Choose OK and post the payment.

  9. Go to A/R > Client Invoice > Existing. You will now see that the Invoice has been paid in full. You can reprint the Invoice and select Show Payments to give to the client.

        Using the POS Credit payment to process the split POS sale:

  1. Run a new POS sale. Choose Walk-in and put through the sale as normal.

  2. When you get to the Totals/Payment section, choose [CR] for the payment type and enter ?Split Payment? into the transaction description. . Note: If you do not see [CR] on the payment type list, you will need to setup the store credit sales category and account in the company information. Click here for more information: 

  3. Click Print/Post. This will print the client's receipt for the sale. 

  4. Run another new POS sale. Choose Walk-in and re-enter the clients exact phone number or use the search icon in the lower left to get the same client's information.

  5. When you get to the items section, store credit will appear in the upper right for a negative amount. Click the Use button, click the edit button and change the amount to portion that is being paid by Cash (or one of the Credit Cards).

  6. You may also change the Item Description to read Split Payment, Cash Card Portion or whatever text you see fit.

  7. Go to the Totals/Payment section and choose the credit card payment. Put in the amount (Cash or credit card payment collected) and any credit card information. Click Print/Post. This will print the client's receipt for the credit card charge.

  8. Repeat steps 4-7 for the Credit Card or other payment portion. For example: Choose Walk-in and re-enter the clients exact phone number or use the search icon in the lower left to get the same client's information.

  9. When you get to the items section, store credit will appear in the upper right for a negative amount. Click the Use button. You may also click the Edit button to change the description to read Split Payment, Credit Portion or whatever text you see fit.

  10. Go to the Totals/Payment section and choose the Credit/Cash payment and put in the collected.

  11. Click Print/Post. This will print the client's receipt for the cash collected.